Russian for Adults

Enrollment for the Fall Semester 2023 is now closed.

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Beginner Russian

Beginner Russian starts you on your path to speaking and understanding Russian. Starting with the alphabet and a big picture overview of how the language works, students are able to develop good pronunciation and a solid foundation for further Russian learning. Focus on practical use with speaking skills.

Intermediate Russian

Continue learning Russian by building vocabulary, oral skills and listening. In this class, students will continue with developing their Russian skills through speaking, reading, writing and listening.

Meet the teacher

Ana Yagolnik

My name is Ana. I have been teaching Russian for the last six years and have a school in Denver. I develop educational games, teaching techniques and create language exchange events. My program is called Russian Crash Course. It is a spy-themed course where you learn Russian with improve, games, and puzzles. Every class is a game, puzzle, or competition. With my course, you will discover a fun way to learn Russian.